About the food:
This is a fusion food involving Indian, Chinese and Thai cuisines. The 'Chinese' or 'Thai' food that we get in India is basically a fusion of the cuisines. The original 'Chinese'/'Thai' foods are entirely different and distinctive in their own style. This recipe belongs to this group of fusion foods, and I am confident that it would be extremely appealing to anyone who likes Indian style Chinese/Thai foods.
I learned this recipe from a friend, and I have slightly modified it. For non-veg lovers, you can substitute the cauliflower with chicken, and it tastes absolutely fantastic. Try this, it is extremely easy to cook, and makes a great meal!
Preparation time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins
Ingredients: 1 big cauliflower
1 bunch of spring onions
1 inch root ginger, finely chopped
1 big onion, cut in rings
3-4 dried red chillies, cut through the centre de-seeded, chopped
vegetable oil
1/2 cup cornflour
1 tsp ajinamoto
1 tbsp black pepper powder
2 eggs
1/2 cup Thai sweet-chilli sauce
1 tbsp ginger paste
1/2 tbsp garlic paste
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp vinegar
1/2 cup cashew nuts, halved
1. Cut the cauliflower with big chunky pieces, with the florets intact. Wash and put them in a large bowl. whisk the eggs in a glass, add 2 tbsp of cornflour, 1/2 tbsp salt and the ajinamoto. Pour this on the cauliflower and coat them well with the mixture.
2.Heat oil in a deep pan. Dip fry the cauliflower in batches until golden brown. Take them out in a kitchen towel.
3.Heat 3 tbsp oil in a pan. Add the onions, capsicum, chopped ginger, cashew nuts, red chillies and fry them for 2 mins. Add the ginger garlic paste and saute for 1 min. Keep on cooking until the onions are tender but do not brown them. Add the cauliflowers and mix them well in the pan.Add the soya sauce, vinegar, the sweet-chilli sauce, a pinch of salt and 2 cups of water. Bring the water to boil. Mix 2 tbsp of cornflour with water in a cup and add it to the pan. Let it simmer for 2 mins.
4. Put it in a serving tray and serve with plain rice or any kind of Chinese/Thai fried rice.